Survivors Living Beyond The Power of The Fist
Celebrity Heroes, Sheroes, & Survivors
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- ODE TO MY FELLOW MAN “Learning how to love women did not come easy for me. Born into a cesspool of womanizing men, I was fathered by my mother’s rapist.” The Tony Topaz Story.
- THE AGONIZING ROAD TO SUCCESS “He would go as far to bring a GUN to bed, letting me know if I tried anything the gun was there for me to think twice. “The overwhelming power of guilt can only be overtaken by the power of FORGIVENESS of yourself and others.” The Ruthie Bolton Story Olympic Gold Medalist, WNBA Champion.
- RED FLAG GLASSES “I’m more powerful now. I was told the best way to get back at those who want to see you fall is to succeed; and that’s clearly what I did”. The Andrea Wright Story.
- THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A MARRIAGE “Ten years after the first birthday abuse incident, it happened again. Only this time, the question wasn’t whether or not I would finish the birthday dessert. It was whether or not I would return home from the emergency room or be transported to the county morgue.” The Danne Mathis Story.
- BATTERED, BROKEN & LEFT FOR DEAD “ I had always said if a man laid his hands on me, I’d instantly leave the relationship. I never realized how DEEP an abuser’s manipulation and control went.” The Tara Loo Story.
- Behind Close Doors. My advice to women is to pay attention to the signs that abuse is around the corner. If a man is violent, ready to fight, or scares you in any way—that’s a Red Flag.

Tahirah Ogletree flips the coffee-table-book norm on its head...Her mission to help others escape this fate informs every page... It comes from such a real place of vulnerability and strength that you can’t help but be drawn in.”

“This dynamic coffee table masterpiece grabs the reader with beautiful imagery even as Ogletree tears away the veil of shame, helplessness and damaged self-image that is intrinsic to a pattern of continuing abuse. SURVIVORS is designed to help educate, inspire, empower, and save lives.”

“A brilliant, spellbinding and empowering masterpiece by survivor Tahirah Ogletree This book is guaranteed to change your life forever.”

“Tahirah Ogletree of Chandler uses her own experience to help domestic violence victims.”

Well, this is the most wonderful collection of truth on Domestic Violence that has ever been published! Thank you for helping so many. I am one of the women who told her story and I AM A SURVIVOR!

This body of work is not only informative literature, beautiful art, and valuable information, this book also contains nutritional and delicious recipes, along with instructions through exercise and healthy eating how to achieve a positive body image. After reading this book my heart was sadden for the survivors who endured the pain, heart ache, and debilitating acts of violence. However, the sadness turned to joy after reading the victorious overcoming of the survivors. A true testament and outcome of a silver lining when one taps into the inner strength of God through faith and perseverance. Domestic violence is a topic that needs to be addressed and put to an end. Truly an enjoyable read.

I just started this book and so far it's amazing!!! This is truly 1 of the best reads this year, can't wait to finish

As I immersed myself in the book's content I felt empathy for each individual. The detailed informative stories serve as a guide that will imbue each reader and galvanize communities, households, and nations into eradicating domestic violence.

Love It !

Through the use of Inspirational quotes, resources to get help, true life victim stories, well photographed pictures...this book fits many uses for its' readers. "SURVIVORS..." is not only a coffee table book, it's a discussion piece that means to bring a different type of attention to the dangers of domestic violence. "SURVIVORS..." is a handbook that can be of use to a current domestic violence victim to begin their rise out of the hold of their current situation

"SURVIVORS..." is intended to inspire anyone to look beyond their current situation (whether they are a domestic violence victim or and take action to not only dream but to go beyond those dreams and achieve them.

Incredible read! This book will do two things: 1. It will rip your heart out realizing these are the true stories of the incredible brutality and cruelty these women endured. 2. It will inspire you knowing they came forward to telling it with a mission to help others in similar circumstances. So much great information for helping so many. A must read for anyone going through an abusive relationship. The book's beautiful cover is just like many abusive relationships, pretty on the outside, but the pain and suffering are hidden, as in the pages of this awesome book.